The New Mother: A supportive class for mothers and babies
By clicking on "Sign Up," you will be able to choose the program you are interested in and a timeframe that works for you.
The New Mother: A supportive class for mothers and babies
Through the lens of Role Theory in drama therapy, women will be invited to look at the role of mother and locate strength and balance in this powerful role. As we process and share experiences, we will share stories of motherhood and create a collaborative narrative. This program is designed to empower new mothers and to provide a platform to share feelings, fears, celebrations, and connect with others. This program will offer soothing music, art, storytelling, Role Theory in drama therapy, movement, meditation and light yoga.
Becoming Mommy: Supporting pregnancy through the creative arts
Through dramatic interventions using role play and storytelling, art and movement, women will be invited to follow their intuition, listen to the voice within and express feelings through different expressive and artistic mediums. Breean offers her unique perspective and approach to help support women during this vulnerable time. Come to be inspired, work through tension and feelings, find relief through music and restorative movement and connect with others.
The Balanced Mama
The Balanced Mama is a mini retreat for moms to energize, rejuvenate and nourish the mind, body and soul through creative wellness, fitness and yoga, and support and guidance. Mother’s will be guided through a workshop led by drama therapist and yoga teacher Breean Canzano, Doula and Infant Massage Instructor Valerie Jean Stillman and RN and Personal Coach Abrianna Canady.